California requires employers to implement, and maintain, an effective workplace violence prevention program. But to effectively protect your employees from violence, you need to be knowledgeable about violence, and the how it occurs.

And for many small and midsized employers, who fortunately have not personally experienced violence themselves, that can be a challenge. How do you know what works to keep your employees safe from violence when you aren't knowledgable about the nature of violence? 

Take the guess work out of implementing an effective workplace violence prevention program. I spent 30 years investigating violence in the workplace, and in the community. Through that, I learned how violence happens, and effective ways to prevent it. And because my work often occurred in some pretty dangerous places, I learned to keep myself safe from community sourced workplace violence so that I could effectively do my work.

For over ten years, I’ve helped people to be safe while doing the work they love, including the staff of a US Senator, judges, court administrators and court staff, educators, religious institutions, law firms, medical professionals, construction workers, and manufacturing companies.

  • I start with identifying and assessing the specific safety hazards that your employees face, and the relationship between your current operations and those safety hazards.
  • Then I develop approaches to remediate those safety hazards, and train your employees in those approaches.
  • Then I help train your employees in strategies to avoid physical harm from the four source types of workplace violence, as well as training employees and incident response teams in what to do should a workplace violence emergency happen.

Click on the button below to send me an email. We'll schedule a call to discuss where you are in implementing an effective workplace violence prevention program, and what needs to be done to keep your employees safe from violence, and to satisfy California’s requirements.

Download Free California Workplace Violence Prevention Checklist
CA Employers Workplace Violence Prevention Tool Kit
Email Me to Schedule a Free Consultation to Discuss Your Violence Prevention Needs

California's new workplace violence prevention law covers the majority of employees, employers, and workplaces. 

Preventing workplace violence is different than preventing other workplace issues. It’s more difficult. Not getting it right:

  • Risks your employees’ safety.
  • When employees feel unsupported by their employer, they are more likely to quit, or miss work more often, making your workplace less productive and raising employment costs.
  • And that can cause your revenue to fall.
  • A significant violence incident can lead to lawsuits from employees as well as members of the public.
  • Increase your health insurance, liability, and workers' comp premiums.
  • Damage your reputation in the community.
  • And lead to a significant fine from Cal/OSHA.

 Taking the guess work out of creating an effective workplace violence prevention program will:

  • Keep your employees safer; thus, increasing employee loyalty to your organization by showing them that their safety matters.
  • increases workplace productivity through better communication and team building.
  • Protects your bottom line by reducing employee turnover and absenteeism, and decreasing healthcare, workers' comp, and liability premiums.
  • Protects your favorable reputation in the community.
  • Protects your organization by complying with California’s requirements.

Schedule a call to discuss implementing an effective workplace violence prevention program.


Email Me to Discuss Your WPV Prevention Needs

Blog Posts & Videos

Weekly helpful workplace violence prevention tips, techniques, and information.

4 Ways Workplace Violence Prevention is More Challenging

Oct 14, 2024

Balancing Employee Safety And Being Open to the Public

Oct 07, 2024

My commitment to preventing workplace violence comes from 30 years of conducting investigations into violent incidents. Through these experiences I learned how workplace violence happens, and how to prevent it.

Effective workplace violence prevention training requires a comprehensive and integrated approach.

That's why the offices of a United States Senator, court administrators and personnel, judges, small business owners, educators, reporters, law firms, a large city's community safety department, nonprofit organizations, and others have turned to Mike Corwin to provide workplace violence prevention consulting and training.

In 1988, I moved across the country to Los Angeles, CA. Before then, I had spent several years building and remodeling homes and commercial buildings.

After moving. I left the building business and began working as a litigation investigator. Developing facts for civil plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys.


In conducting these investigations, I regularly got a close up view of man's inhumanity to man. Literally, the worst that people can do to each other. And that wasn't just the criminal cases.

I helped build many civil cases against organizations when employees, customers, patients, and clients were injured by violence at their location including homicides, assaults, sexual assaults, and other significant acts of violence.

My investigations uncovered what employers did wrong that led to the violence. And taught me how employers can prevent workplace violence. 

I examined hiring practices and found people hired despite abusive and violent behavior.

I also assessed safety hazards caused by the interior and exterior physical layout, lighting, obstructions, ingress, egress, and parking areas. 

In the 30 plus years that I conducted investigations for attorneys, I had the opportunity to help thousands of people going through difficult situations, and worked along side of some top attorneys.

Helping people is simply a part of who I am. 


A significant part of my work involved conducting witness interviews (I've done approximately 12,000 of them). And often that meant showing up at a total stranger's door, which I did 1000s of times over the years, and then convincing them to speak with me about something difficult, and often tragic, that this person witnessed.

I worked in some of the roughest areas in Los Angeles, and later in New Mexico. and that meant learning how to keep myself safe so that I could develop the information I needed in order to be able to help people.

Implementing situational awareness saved me when a homeless man confronted me with a shank. 

Because I saw the shank reflect light, I knew BEFORE the threat was upon me, that I had to act quickly in order to be safe.

I learned to de-escalate tense situations while serving court papers like restraining orders, witness subpoenas, and even lawsuits.

In 1996, I moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and opened an investigation practice there. 

I continued to focus on civil plaintiff investigations including many involving premises liability, and workplace violence.


I spent several years conducting contract internal 3rd party fact-finding investigations for the City of Albuquerque regarding abusive behavior including workplace violence.

And several years conducting internal fact-finding investigations regarding allegations of misconduct by judges for the New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission. 

As a result of my investigation knowledge I was often asked by attorneys to evaluate investigations conducted by employers to assess whether those investigations were conducted adequately and sufficiently to address the alleged conduct in question.


I also did the pre-employment background checks for a smaller town to help ensure that those hired would not become a threat to co-workers, and the town's citizens.

Teaching How to Conduct Effective Internal Investigations

Soon after moving to Albuquerque in the mid-1990s, I began conducting investigation trainings for attorneys, legal assistants, paralegals. 

I was approved by the New Mexico Supreme Court as an instructor in investigations for attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants. 

And by the New Mexico Regulations and Licensing Board as an instructor for licensed investigators.

I regularly served as a guest instructor at UNM Law School's Clinical Law Program, it's Innocence and Justice Project, and it's Clemency and Pardon Project as well as civil and criminal law classes. 

In addition, because of  my investigation expertise, I've been featured on Dateline NBC, Politico Magazine, and Professional Investigator Magazine.

Training Employees in Strategies to Avoid Physical Harm from Workplace Violence

In addition to the violence prevention skills I learned while working as an investigator, I also trained in and taught a variety of martial arts, having achieved the rank of 3rd degree blackbelt in multiple disciplines.

After all, there are times when you have no choice but to defend yourself in order to avoid physical harm from violence.

BUT, in working with my students, I realized SELF-DEFENSE and MARTIAL ARTS were NOT one and the same. 

One day, I came across an old training manual that the Allied forces used during WWII to train the women and men sent behind enemy lines to work with the local resistance. In there, I found exactly the type of self-defense I was looking for. 

It was quick to learn, and easy to apply by pretty much anyone regardless of size or strength.

After ensuring the effectiveness of this self-defense approach by training my own students in it, I added this self-defense training to my workplace violence prevention training to give employees the skills to avoid physical harm if they were physically attacked on the job

By combining everything that I learned and taught through investigation work, with my knowledge of the physical environment to identify and remediate safety hazards, and combined them with training in communication approaches, situational awareness, de-escalation, and self-defense skills, I've provided effective workplace violence prevention consulting and training services to employers for over 10 years.  

Michael Corwin, HelpYou Be Safe, LLC

38180 Del Webb Blvd. #245, Palm Desert, CA 92211

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